The Luxurious Tani Underwear In Review

Someone once pointed out to me that people will commonly spend a whole lot of money on their suits, shirts, and shoes, but then beneath it all be wearing some random generic brand of underwear that they picked up at their local Target or CVS. It just ain’t right. At the complete other end of the spectrum is Tani underwear, which retails at full price for $40 and up per pair…

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Review Of Hockerty Custom Dress Shirts

As a reader of this site, you are no doubt well aware that the world of online made to measure clothing companies is experiencing quite a boom right now. There are too many to count, and too many to keep track of. We’re here to do our best in trying, though, and so, today, we are taking a look at a custom dress shirt from Hockerty ($59+)…

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Review Of Mango Man Polo Haul

What is Mango Man? Well, we were asking ourselves the same question until very recently. It is, in short, yet another fast fashion clothing company. Think H&M, Zara, etc. What sets Mango apart? In truth, not that much, but their designs and styles are much more in line with the sort of looks we love most around The Peak Lapel, and so, for that reason alone, we decided to give them a shot…

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SuitSupply Sneakers and Dress Shoes In Review

SuitSupply is known and loved by many men as being a great place to get very high quality suits for super reasonable prices. But they actually offer just about anything you might want to wear, from outerwear, to polos, to sweaters, suitcases and bags, even, as well as, of course, a pretty extensive line of shoes...

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GuapBox Review 2.0: We Still Like Our Previous Winner

As you know, we have been on a lengthy quest to figure out which of the various men’s subscription services are the best. There are so many out there that any guy would feel he needs a guide, and that is where we come in. Last time, we gave you the first review of GuapBox, a new subscription box from

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