Review: SuitSupply’s Wrinkle-Resistant Traveller Dress Shirt + Custom/MTM Comparison

Modern technology has had quite an impact on clothing and the way that gentlemen dress. Indeed, we have explored various ways that technology has made its way into garments in the past. When we have taken a look at tech-wear, though, it has been clothing that has been designed to be stretchy, more comfortable, lighter, and moisture-wicking…

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Jomers New Tailored-Fit Italian Travel Jeans In Review

Jomers is one of those companies that has just been killing it lately. We’ve taken a look at them before, though this time we had much, much better results. So, what do I mean by “killing it”? Well, I would put it this way: Think about Bonobos. They have great clothing, with tons of fit options, but their stuff is super, prohibitively, expensive. In other words, it’s overpriced…

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